May 22, 2011

Moncalieri (Torino 3)

Moncalieri is where N's family lives.

And that first photo of the tiny pasticcini on their golden plate is my favourite from the whole trip.
Just because it reminds me how good they were. And of the sweet ritual that is buying them in that fancy pasticceria, choosing each one as if they were precious little jewels, having them arranged and packed up carefully.

Makes me even forget about the icecream.


  1. absolut unwiederstehlich sehen die aus! Moncalieri sieht sehr nett aus, ich kenne Italien leider fast gar nicht, aber wuerde sehr gern mal laenger hin fahren.

  2. These photos are cruel...

  3. (me rugen tigres en la tripa cuando miro esos pasteles)

  4. These photos are beautiful! Are they eggs baked into pastry or am I looking at is wrong? Crazy! Maybe it's just not an Australian thing.

  5. this looks just too good!

    p.s.: ja ja, das rezept für die focaccia hätte ich sehr gern! ;)

  6. oh wow!!! these look so good!!!!

  7. Das sieht alles sehr einladend aus und gibt ein gutes Gefühl. Schön!

  8. super pretty pictures, I am in love. And the treats on the first pictures look deeeeelicious!!!

  9. oh das schaut ja alles soooo lecker aus...liebe Jana, hab ein tolles Wochenende, ich hoffe du machst was schönes...

  10. Super bonitas las fotos
    mis favoritas son las de las estaciones de trenes
    son encantadoras.

    te dejo un saludo

  11. They are precious like jewels, because they look like little treasures. Wanna go there right now. Enjoy your weekend!


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