October 02, 2010



Time flies. Here are some things I don't want to miss this month:

enjoy the last figs (making jam today). they are so incredible this year. i might love them even more than cherries.
eat millions of pears.
bake more (from this beautiful new book).
eat more chocolate.
wear woolen socks (at least at home. it's still quite warm here).
capture the evening light.
stew apples and put cinnamon on them.
start to knit something (I absolutely love this).
buy some new shoes (these ones maybe?!).
finish the 3 started rolls of film in my cameras.

What are you up to?
Happy Saturday!


  1. oh ja, die schuhe sind toll. da schließe ich mich deinen überlegungen an!

    mehr schokolade essen ist auch wunderfein. :) das macht so glücklich!

  2. Wow, the boots and the scarf look great! I wanted to knit myself a new scarf, maybe I will try this pattern. Thanks!

  3. Deine Projekte klingen ganz toll für diesen Monat..
    vor allem die Feigenmarmelade, ich habe mir hier auch schon Gläser besorgt für Sommerfrüchte-Marmelade, dass kommt hier ja jetzt erst : )
    Schokolade genieße ich allerdings auch, am liebsten 70% Lindt zum Mad Men schauen ...
    Ich werde gleich an einer Markteinkaufstasche nähen...es regnet hier in Strömen und ich genieß den ruhigen Sonntag...
    ach leider konnte ich die Schuhe mir nicht ansehen, aber sie sind sicher schön : ) und das Triangle Strickprojekt hab ich mir gleich mal gespeichert : )
    Lieber Gruß an dich

  4. i love the first one!
    my plan in october is to spend a few days in california: yay!!!

  5. i'm up to finishing my rolls too and maybe buy a scanner for my negatives :)

    beautiful photos!!!

  6. That first picture is great. I love those small glasses you have in Spain.

  7. I like the glass in the top photo. And figs! I love them. Unfortunately the imported figs we get in Norway is nothing compared to the ones in the south of Europe.

  8. wow, what a great list! and i love your photos - the glass, the reflection...

    and i so agree with your list. knitting - check, jam cooking - check, buying shoes - i really want some navy blue lace-up brogues! plus, that second volume to slater's tender looks fabulous. on my list too!

    have a good sunday!

    (and: thank you so much for your birthday wishes, i read them on the day and they made me smile!)

  9. those boots are awesome but sold out everywhere. i hope you have more luck than me! x


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